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A Prayer for Those Returning to School

As students of all ages return to class let us keep them, as well teachers, school administrators and staff in our prayers as they make the transition from care free summer days to school day schedules. May the academic year be filled with many graces, gifts, and blessings!

Almighty God, we thank you for the start of a new school year full of promise! Bless all students with courage and strength to face the challenges that come their way. Help them to make wise decisions that will lead to positive outcomes. Give them patience and perseverance so they can stay focused and not give up when school, work, and relationships get hard.

Guide their teachers, school administrators and staff as they navigate this ups and downs of academic life with grace, Godly wisdom, and clarity. Bring peace, joy, and contentment into their lives as they learn. May we all be reminded of the importance of building each other up rather than tearing one another down. Thank you for this new year, Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen!

  • Adapted from a prayer found online